The Gateway currently works only on the range of Nintendo 3DS Firmwares 4.1-4.5. At the beginning of August 2013, however, Gateway managed to surprise the users with the first shipped units to the resellers spread throughout the world, shortly followed thereafter by resellers picking up and selling units to their loyal customers. Through small shipping delays and confusion, people began to lose faith in this potentially great cartridge. The Gateway 3DS was announced in late June 2013, a cartridge that generated massive amounts of hype in the video gaming world due to the fact that it was the first solution for users to be able to play 3DS ROMs on the Nintendo 3DS for the first time. However, this confidence has been shattered with the evidence of bricking code embedded in the software of the Gateway's latest firmware. I was eager to get my head into the game with a fresh version 4.5 3DS unit, having updated my main unit to play newer games.

Watching the release of new information on the Gateway brought eagerness and excitement to the table. 48 hours (because my body's weird like that LOL). Very pleased with both product and review, as I actually haven't slept for about. I truly hope that with this unit’s release to the public that the 3DS scene can finally bloom.Īnd so, after a grueling night of testing and a brutal day of writing and editing (non-stop, I must say!), I am very proud to present another review of the Gateway 3DS. The unit is fantastic and has a ton of potential that can be taken advantage of later.

Soon though, the Gateway team started delivering on updates, and once I read Devin’s review about it, my eagerness returned, and now that my own unit is here, I can say the exact same thing. As time went by, delays were announced, and my eagerness sank further.

I wanted to see it succeed, truly, but I was skeptical because of the Crown 3DS incident.

Sure enough, June rolls around and Gateway 3DS is announced. I had always wanted a better way to make 3DS games more accessible, and having been attached to the DS scene for so long, I figured it was inevitable that something would come up. Initially, I had my share of doubts about this flash cart.